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About Maine Travel Online

My family and ancestors have a deep rooted history in the State of Maine. Everyday I learn more and more about not only the state and its wonderful things to do and see, but about why both sides of my family started out in this great state.

I can remember when I was 3 years old, and every year, mostly summers I spent 2-4 weeks there throughout my toddler to young adult years. I have seen and experienced many things throughout the state of Maine in those years. i have not seen the entire beauty of the state, but plan to use this website I am creating as a guide of exploration and meeting new people.

My fondest memories are of Pemaquid lake during the summers spent in Maine with my older sister Laura. We would wake up very early in the cottage as we slept out on the porch, with the screened windows open listening to the music and sound of the loons calling to one another at night all the way into the morning as we awoke. The day started very early as we quickly ate and grabbed the bathing suits t jump into the nearby lake less than a few feet away. Swimming started early and also using the metal canoe to paddle out and jump off into deeper water. The morning hours before noon was always very calm and warmer, whereas in the late afternoon the wind changed direction and blew into the beach towards the North. I can remember a distinct sound, the sound of metal wind chimes blowing in the wind, making a melody of gusts and breezes.